Saturday, November 20, 2010

I haven't been home for one day and my parents made my sister and I go on a hike. First I put up a fight but then i decided it might be nice after sitting on a train for 15 hours. I guess my parents hike this trail a lot because we ran into some people that recognized them. They were like, "Oh you're the one that has the dog that is afraid of other dogs." My parents will talk to anything that moves. The hike turned out to be fun. We went off the trail and hiked all the way to the top of Rockland County! Its very weird to travel up the coast during this time of year because we started in Savannah, which is still green, to the Carolinas which which is in fall and then as you get closer to New York it becomes winter. Fall is my favorite so I am glad I was able to experience it for a few hours as we drive right through to winter. If you're ever in New York during this time of the year a hike is definitely required! It is so beautiful and the air is so fresh.

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